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When a person suffers from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), their loved ones are catapulted into the caregiver role to support and look after their injured family member. Relationships, responsibilities, and roles shift suddenly, which can be confusing and overwhelming for the non-injured caregiver.

Chuck Jung Associates and Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association will be launching a Virtual Caregivers Support Group in March of 2022. From March to August of 2022, the group will meet monthly for 90-minutes to engage in discussions to provide important information and teach skills that will help caregivers negotiate and manage a new role in their life. These groups are free of charge.

WHAT? Monthly Caregiver Support Group
WHERE? Virtual
WHEN? 6-Monthly Sessions from March to August

WHO? Facilitated by Dr. Laura Klubben, R. Psych. and Xiaolei Deng, UBC Doctoral Candidate and Practicum Student

Registration is limited. To register or for more information about the group, please contact admin@nullchuckjung.com or call Chuck Jung & Associates at 604-874-6754.